What is artificial empathy

Artificial empathy (AE) or computational empathy is the development of AI systems − such as companion robot or virtual agents − that are able to detect and respond to human emotions in an empathic way.According to scientists, although the technology can be perceived as scary or threatening by many people, it could also have a significant advantage over humans in professions which are traditionally involved in emotional role-playing such as the health care sector.From the care-giver perspective for instance, performing emotional labor above and beyond the requirements of paid labor often results in chronic stress or burnout, and the development of a feeling of being desensitized to patients. However, it is argued that the emotional role-playing between the care-receiver and a robot can actually have a more positive outcome in terms of creating the conditions of less fear and concern for one's own predicament best exemplified by the phrase: "if it is just a robot taking care of me it cannot be that critical." Scholars debate the possible outcome of such technology using two different perspectives. Either, the AE could help the socialization of care-givers, or serve as role model for emotional detachment.


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